A Few Random Thoughts
Remember the children's game where kids are asked to spot the differences between 2 pictures. Here is a Windsor adult version of it using a Star cartoon. Once you spot the change you will understand the significance of how the Star tries to mold its readers' opinions:
I wish I knew who has responsibility of looking after the acres and acres of green space that Windsor will inherit as a result of theDRIC road being built, if it ever is.
I did not see that mentioned in the love-in amongst Edgar, Sandra and Dwight. Hmmm that means Windsor taxpayers are stuck I bet!
Why do the unions where Edgar (aka Eddie) is intimately involved face labour stoppages or compulsory arbitration but those where he is hands-off get settled. Maybe Ken Lewenza Junior ought to teach him how to negotiate since he has been very successful.
I know, I know...it's all politics. Edgar wants to be the pacesetter against public service unions
Here is the latest Police Association salvo:
April 9, 2010
WINDSOR – The Windsor Police Association today denied being the cause of delays in its contract negotiation with the Windsor Police Services Board. Thedelay, they insist, results from the Board's demand that the Association accept an unprecedented and unrealistic pre-condition to negotiation.
“It’s unfortunate that the Mayor and the Board are publicly pinning the delay on us,” said Ed Parent, President of the Windsor Police Association. “It’s not a fair representation of what’s causing the delay; we’re acting in good faith and they know it.”
“The sticking point,” explained the Association’s administrator and chief negotiator John Burrows, “is the Board’s inclusion of a pre-negotiation condition that would allow the Board to make additional proposals to the contract negotiation at their discretion, at any time.” That kind of “moving-target” negotiation, Burrows said, is unacceptable – the kind of thing that can make negotiations difficult.
“Indeed,” he added, ”by insisting on having the right to add proposals at their discretion, the Board seems to acknowledge the Mayor’s earlier comment that, from his perspective, ‘everything is on the table’. In point of fact, a total of only 18 proposals are on the table, those advanced by the two sides.”
The Mayor’s claim that the Board is “at the table” is also regrettable, in the Association’s view. “Being seated in the room isn’t the same as being at the table,” Burrows said. “Being at the table means you’re ready to negotiate the proposals as they’ve been put forward. The Mayor and the Board aren’t there yet.
The Association, Parent insists, is ready and eager to negotiate the proposals that have been tabled by both sides. “They’ve laid down their proposals and we’ve laid down ours,” he said. “I’m sure the citizens of this city want and expect us to get down to the business of negotiating,” he added. “That’s what we want, too.”
Ed Parent
Windsor Police Association
It's the same tactic that Edgar played before. I trust this time around the Police Association is smarter, especially in the PR category, to get and keep citizens onside and to put the blame for the failure to get a deal where it belongs.
Does anyone know what they think? Does anyone care? I don't recall them being interviewed in the Star.
Oh, I forgot. There is just one Voice of Council.
- April 9, 2010
President’s Letter to the Membership
I believe this term as president has been the most challenging, demanding and gruelling term ever held by any president. Almost two years filled with job eliminations, the tornado that almost destroyed our office building, a punishing 101 day strike, contracting out issues and now the closure of our Day Care Centres not to forget the bumping that will result from it.
But while it has been laborious it has also been fulfilling, rewarding and inspirational, which is why I have decided to run again for the position of President in the upcoming May election.
With everything that has happened these past two years it is clear to me that our union stood strong, with our heads held high and fought what we believed in. We stayed strong and returned to work with much more than had we not gone out on strike. We made front page headlines in major newspapers across Canada (don’t think for minute I’m including the Windsor Star as a newspaper, o.k.) and earned the respect of union brothers and sisters all across Canadian. We have much to be proud of.
There are however many more serious issues to be address. The next few years are going to be anything but easy and it is even more important than ever to have an experienced President. My experience and dedication of over the past 25 years working my way up the ladder has afforded me the knowledge, skill and experience to handle not just the small issues but the major ones we will be soon facing.
I have always seen so much support from CUPE 543 members and I truly hope that May 19th, I will have your support again. I know may had mixed feelings about the strike, believe me if I could have prevented it, I would have. Decisions are often extremely and many believe they could have done better. What I do know is that I always do my best and will continue to do so. It is more important than ever to have someone with knowledge and experience as President looking out for your best interest. Which is why I need your support?
Below is a quote which I would like to share.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face in marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” (Theodore Roosevelt)
I would appreciate feed back on your support. Thank you
Jean Fox
One of the Councillors asked me during the strike whether I was trying to be President of CUPE. Hmmm, I wonder if the rules allow me to do so.
Relax Jean, just kidding.
I wonder though if she will be challenged. Some people could think of a reason every pay cheque or say 30 million reasons why she and Jim Wood ought not to be re-elected.
This will be a tough race for any candidate to win, running against Alan Halberstadt. I am surprised he is running since he seemed to have lost his enthusiasm.
I am surprised at this comment of his but then again, I guess he does not want the Star angry at him. So much for Edgar's arrogance and no bounds:
- "Halberstadt acknowledges he and Mayor Eddie Francis haven't always seen eye to eye.
"There have been some conflicts with the mayor and council ... and myself in particular," he said. "I'll be the first to say Eddie works very hard ... he's brought a lot of money into the city," he said.
For this alone, I would not vote for Alan never mind this comment:
- "He describes himself as a "realist," but acknowledges the pro-labour types may "believe I'm a hardliner."
Oh, so he admits he helped Edgar cost taxpayers a fortune on the CUPE settlement.
Here is what one person running against him set out in a Press Release which the Star will never publish:
- "I am pleased to take this opportunity to announce my intention to run in the upcoming municipal election for the position of Ward 4 councillor in the City of Windsor.
I am committed to providing the residents of Ward 4 with effective representation. Further, I intend to work with the rest of council and the mayor to rebuild the connections in our community that have, in the past, made our city the great. I believe that only when we reject the divisions that currently plague our residents, can we truly move forward. I hope to improve the current dynamic of council and work to build consensus. I love our city and I am anxious to get to work on behalf of Ward 4.
Jody Percy.
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