Delray--Context Sensitive Solutions
Thoughts and Opinions On Today's Important Issues
DUUUHHHH I think I may have the answer for him. I wonder if I can charge a a consulting fee.
No real choice is given if suppliers want to keep on selling to Chrysler.
As my source wrote:
I just wonder. How can a supplier offer that much of a reduction if the component was priced competitively before? Does that mean suppliers pad their prices expecting to be asked to reduce costs? Or is the new component going to be made cheaper thereby increasing complaints about quality and warranty claims?
If so, no wonder the car companies are in trouble. They have taught their supply chain to price high and then give back cuts! Just like the expectation of high wages for workers and big discounts for consumers. Or to build poor components.
Isn't it ironic....GM loses $15.5 billion, its third-worst quarterly performance, while Exxon's profit in the quarter is $11.68 billion, the largest profit for a U.S. company, and still fails to meet analysts' expectations.
And if you did not notice...the demand is retroactive
How many suppliers can afford to give back 5% of revenues including past revenues without having their own financial problems. It's ridiculous.
PS. I just read in the Detroit News this laughable comment:
And this
Retirees….Wait a minute. I am virtually retired from the practice of law. Good salaries out West, big demand for lawyers, cheap airfare home on weekends…hey Eddie where’s your survey questionnaire again.
Members from our Development Commission spent some quality time in London, England at a trade show trying to generate some business for us here.
Our Mayor was in London and then in Frankfurt trying to generate some business for us here.
Unfortunately I have not seen any new business being generated for us here from those trips. In fact, I don’t recall reading much about what they did overseas other than primarily about Red Bull.
For Eddie and the WEDC, here’s some information about the software. Mind you now that I’ve talked about it, neither of them will ever use it:
We saw that Lakeshore and Kingsville sold their interest in ELK Energy Inc. for about $12.7 million to the Town of Essex. I will wager that this deal is not finished because Chatham-Kent Energy lost out in purchasing that interest. The Star story stated:
There is no doubt now that Hydro and water utility companies are going to be pursued by the big-money boys in the infrastructure game. I had already made this prediction a long time ago about our City-owned utilities. Those utilities could bring in substantial sums into the City’s bank account that would allow our politicians to squander that money on Canal visions for example.
If you think I am kidding, here is what one of Ontario’s biggest pension plans is investing in… a name that should be familiar to you:
Just as an interesting aside, no one in the investment community in their right mind will be involved in a P3 for a new DRIC bridge because of the competition with the Ambassador Bridge unless the Governments provide them with an ironclad guarantee of profitability. P3 investors want to ensure that they make money on their investment.
They love a monopoly situation or where there is a “high barrier to entry for competitors.”
Now you understand why the Governments have to force the Owner of the Bridge Company to sell out his interest in the company. And then they can build a new bridge where it was always supposed to go, right beside the existing one.
It seems that we just cannot do anything right in this City no matter how hard we work at it.
Try as we might, our new East End Arena will not make it as one of the top 10 most expensive arenas or stadiums in the world. When we get the final figure however, including all of the infrastructure needed around the arena such as roads and bridges, then someone ought to do a calculation on a per capita basis to see where we rank compared with projects in other cities.
Come on Amherstburg Council. Keep up this region's reputation! $17.9 million for the cost of a proposed new arena? We know you’re just kidding taxpayers. It will cost way more than that in the end. However, you need to see whether you can win a gold medal in arena building too!
My objection is that this is small town thinking, not the THINK BIG or GO BIG OR GO HOME-type approach that this City has come to expect. AND demand.
Come on now----we have a $65M and counting arena, we want to do a $75M Tunnel deal, we have a feasibility study for a $40M Concert Hall, we are proposing an almost $2B Greenlink road project, $30M Tunnel Plaza improvement, $800M for new watermains etc etc etc. Which town of 200,000 can boast this!
This is Windsor after all. We deserve the best and are entitled to it.
I want to see more than 3 pictures for heaven's sake. Look at the ones created for Delray, a whole bunch of them. Below is just one. Now those got the hearts of residents beating quicker. You can see them at
And they are to have a Marina and canals too. Must be a popular feature these days for the local folks on both sides of the river. I wonder if the people in Delray and West Windsor can afford big boats.
There is just one thing that bothers me about Windsor's plans and visions and concepts. It was what was said in Delray after showing these pretty pictures and movies. I just have this sinking feeling in my stomach that we may hear something similar down the road after everyone has become so excited, say after the next Municipal election:
Have you heard yet the cries for adding a new bridge in the Sarnia/Port Huron area the way they have been made in Windsor/Detroit?
Build as many bridges as you want... the answer is reverse customs as the Ambassador Bridge Company has been arguing for years but no one seems to want to listen.
Another DRIC argument bites the dust!
Henderson is right. This town is made up of "hordes of sneering naysayers" along with "the "Get Eddie" posse as well as those who believe "a municipal government should look no higher in its ambitions than the nearest pothole."
Can you imagine, they must actually think that the Mayor's function is to fix the failing infrastructure in this City before building the Grand Canal of Venice.
Here is a recent CKLW poll
All that I can say to them is "Go big or go home." Oh, they are home. Well that insult, courtesy of the Toronto urban designer Mr. Brook, won't work.
It seems that naysayers are able to accomplish some positives in Toronto.
It was still not there. Just you wait until the Mayor finds out and demands that we get a better Communications system at City Hall so that his press releases can be posted immediately for the world to see!
Nice story for the Mayor wasn't it! And quite a slap at the Detroit Committee who brought this event to the region in the first place. Obviously they have no idea what they're doing.
No, I have not seen that story yet but it would not surprise me to see it happen.
After all, what is the point of giving the Windsor Essex Economic Development Commission money if they are irrelevant. I mean after all, they were just in London for a trade show and I have not seen one iota of information concerning what they achieved over there. They should have given the money to our Mayor instead.
I would have thought for example that it would have been easy for them to hop on a plane and go to Frankfurt to see the startup onion company there. Nope...the Mayor had to do it!
You would think that the WEDC people could have done some work while they were in London to help ensure that the Red Bull races came back to our area next year. Nope...The Mayor had to do!
Thank goodness that our Mayor is doing the Detroit Red Bull committee work and the WEDC economic development work along with building canals, doing Tunnel deals and so on and so on and so on.
Mayor Eddie Francis will be in London, England and Frankfurt, Germany for four days to strengthen ties with potential business partners in the two countries.
At his first stop, Mayor Francis will be meeting with Red Bull officials about securing a return of the prestigious Red Bull Air Race to our area in 2009. Red Bull has indicated that a decision will be made shortly regarding the 2009 season and the Mayor will be meeting face-to-face to make a pitch to bring the event back.
From there, Mayor Francis will travel to Germany where he will continue discussions with a group of businessmen regarding the next steps towards establishing a perishable food distribution centre at Windsor Airport. The international operation would bring a number of jobs to Windsor in the coming years. The Mayor met previously with this business group earlier this year. "
Hey, that press release is missing now too!
I have already suggested that the process whereby a subordinate can approve a request of his superior be changed.
Of course, you know how well our Mayor takes criticism. Here are some of his comments that he made with respect to the Ward 3 Councillor on Eh-News (Actually it is A-news, A-Channel's silly new name)
I wonder if Eddie would dare make these remarks at Council. If he did, would he be in violation of the City's Procedural By-law:
14.1 Members of Council shall:
b) not use indecent, offensive words or insulting expressions at any time toward other Members of Council, Civic Administration, delegations or members of the public
Can you spell D-Y-S-F-U-N-C-T-I-O-N-A-L C-O-U-N-C-I-L?
In the Saturday Star:
In the Star Editorial:
Do you see anywhere previously where Councillor Marra was told about the Tuesday session, nevermind Wednesday? Was there anything in the Saturday Star story about a session on Tuesday? The Star Editorial gave us new information but all that the Star was told was that Eddie was waiting for official confirmation on Tuesday, even though he was out of town. The Saturday story said that the meeting was set up by the lawyers, nothing about waiting for a confirmation.
Now we learn that there was some kind of a meeting on Tuesday, was it “face to face,” in which four or five people from Detroit were involved and three people from Windsor. What was that all about and why where we never told about it? Does it take all of those many people to set up a meeting between two Mayors or was a lot more discussed? [There is the answer to the joke!]
Eddie was reported on the CKLW website on August 9 as saying
He said on the radio yesterday on CKLW:
If what the Mayor just said is true, then Councillors should be outraged. If they were put on hold, were there any meetings that took place, "face to face" or not? From the timeline that I have prepared, it seems that they were meetings whether on the telephone or otherwise. In fact, if the Detroit Deputy Mayor is correct, Mr. Sutts contacted Detroit's lawyer the night that City Council resolution supposedly putting everything on hold.
In fact, our lawyer claimed that he was authorized to keep on speaking!
We now know about the 7 or 8 person session on the Tuesday before the not-so-secret "secret" meeting.
What exactly was put on hold?
As Mr. Sutts said:
So do I and so should you, dear reader. We need that Judicial Inquiry and under oath and we need it now!
In passing, it sure sounded to me like Kwame wanted a meeting early on. Was it an "emergency?" You decide after listening to the clip.
I was going to type out the transcript, but honestly I just could not stop laughing. I could not concentrate on doing the work.
More from the CKLW interview. Is this why people voted for this Mayor and these Councillors: business acumen. Did he learn this kind of acumen in our local School system?
Listen to his remarks. Doesn't it sound as if he is the school Valedictorian talking to the graduating class.
Let us see how Eddie he has been running the Tunnel under his watch:
How long has this deal gone on, how much has it cost us and where are we with it now? The City's loan aplication with Infrastructure Ontario is on hold and so supposedly are the negotiations with Detroit.
Now do you understand why I could not type.
Oh and by the way, after listening to this clip, if I was a member of Council, I would no longer allow Eddie to be my Voice.
Council, and Councillor Bill Marra in particular, have no choice. At the next Council meeting, in my opinion, the Councillor must rise on a “Point of Personal Privilege”. He must demand that all of the files with respect to the Tunnel deal must be opened and available to the public now. He must specifically demand that those files and dockets prepared by Mr. Sutts on or after July 10 be disclosed immediately. He must demand that the Mayor forthwith answer the questions that he asked both as a Tunnel Commissioner nine months ago and which he repeated recently as a Councillor. In fact, he must do more as I shall discuss below.
This extreme state of secrecy created by Mayor Francis can no longer be tolerated in this City. Councillor Marra and his colleagues must demand that the sun shine into the Francis files.
The Mayor and his lawyer have made some very serious allegations that have resulted in a major controversy with respect to the Detroit Mayor that could have serious consequences for Kwame and, more importantly, the future of the Tunnel deal.
As was written in the Detroit News, and as I Blogged yesterday, the issue now is:
That was an understatment!
Today’s Windsor Star Editorial was a real shocker. While supposedly about the Mayor’s secrecy again, it goes far beyond it. It takes up the issue raised by both Chris Schnurr and myself in our BLOGs
The Editorial is even more interesting because it seems that someone from the Star spoke with Eddie before it was written to give him an opportunity to explain:
It must be nice to be able to phone up the Mayor and ask a question and get an immediate answer.
I do not remember reading anything about an "official confirmation." In fact, why would it be given on Tuesday when Eddie was NOT around and could not have a meeting with Kwame:
Clearly, there now are other facts that did not come out in the Sutts disclosure that we should know about.
The Star also correctly pointed out:
If it does not “quite jibe,” what are we to take from that? It does not seem to “quite jibe” in the same way that the Mayor’s answer to Councillor Marra does not “quite jibe” with what the Mayor said to him and what was said in the Star article.
Let me change the subject completely for a minute and deal with the Mayor’s attempt to bring back the Red Bull Air Race to the Detroit/Windsor area. You will see the relevance as I go through the story in today’s Star.
Please note that the Mayor has been back from his trip to London for about a week, the holiday Press Release has still not been published on the City’s website and the press release dealing with the Mayor’s trip has been removed! Note also that the Star story came out the day after my BLOG on the subject.
I will do a quick “fisk” of excerpts from it and you’ll see what I mean:
There, do you understand what I’m getting at with the Red Bull story.
It’s all there, just like with the events surrounding the Tunnel deal: secrecy, total control in the Mayor, not keeping the Council in the loop, “may,” starting at a convenient time and forgetting about the past Red Bull discussions. “emergency” or not, not dealing with key issues.
The issue involving the Mayor is one of the integrity now. As Mr. Sutts said and as the Star Editorial has now raised:
I agree! That must be done immediately. But this time around, we cannot have another “whitewash audit” that we had in the "WUC” fiasco. We need a proper inquiry with the proper Terms of Reference in which citizens must have an input.
Fate has a way of mocking mere mankind. By a remarkable coincidence, on the Agenda for the next Council meeting there is an item dealing with the appointment of an Integrity Commissioner. If there was one in place now, then this whole issue could be sent to that Integrity Commissioner for handling.
However, there is none in place now and, looking at the Item, the issue may be quite controversial and may not be decided at the meeting on Monday.
We do not have the luxury of waiting around with a $75M deal that may still be negotiated. In the circumstances Council, and Councillor Marra in particular, cannot allow this matter to drag on. We must know the truth now. We must learn what the Mayor and his lawyer knew or did not know. All relevant files must be made available and the appropriate questioning undertaken under oath.
Accordingly, Council must introduce a Motion to set up an inquiry dealing with this matter. It can be done easily under the Municipal Act:
Does this Council have the guts to respect the interests of those who elected them! Citizens of Windsor have a "personal privilege" that needs protection as well.
Here is what I prepared if you missed reading it
You will read a lot about this type of deal over the next few weeks. Stories have started already.
Here is the precedent:
Laura Berman, A Detroit News columnist had this to write:
I am shocked that Eddie did not provide the Red Bull team with signatures of support from those that enjoyed the air races. he should have mounted an ad blitz as he did with Greenlink to try to convince DRIC to accept his suggestions.
The reason I mention this is that Radio Canada reported that in Quebec City:
In another story I read, it was said:
Does "bids" in this case mean as the dictionary states "ask for or request earnestly" or does it mean "offer: propose a payment."
If it means the latter, how much has Council authorized the Mayor to spend to get the race here again? He would not dare offer to spend money on his own would he!
Just to let you know what I found on a quick search:
And Red Bull would want Windsor considering this:
As Detroit Air Racing said
If Eddie gets the race here, congratulations to him BUT what will it cost us.
Oh and by the way, his holiday Monday press release is still not up on the City's website.
All those families who might have moved out West if the Mayor had acted promptly on his commuting plan (the real objective according to Western officials was not to have them commute but to move out West) should breathe a big sigh of relief:
Silly me. Hiding things? Not this City!
I tried to find them in the Minutes section of the Council website since it was a key meeting re the Tunnel deal. I could not do so. My error. They were right there in front of me after I received this Administration note:
I should have known.
One interesting point. When the Tunnel update was being discussed, the only non-Councillor member of the Tunnel Commission there, T. Fuerth, left the meeting. Why? Wasn't he supposed to know anything? Or was that just an administrative error and he was really in attendance?
Interesting front page story in the Star on Saturday. About a trip Kwame may have taken to Niagara. It will be the story du jour for a few days. Yet, on page 4, is a story where our Mayor and his lawyer are revealing information because some may think they are liars. They wanted to clear the air.
I wonder why the positions of the stories were not changed in a WINDSOR paper given the startling revelations made in the Eddie/Sutts story.
As a Windsorite, the Detroit Mayor story is titillating but not crucial. What my Mayor says and how he acts is fundamental to me and essential for trust in Government. Why wasn't this story given the prominence it deserved.
A Pandora's box has now been opened up. Mayor Francis and Cliff Sutts have no choice but to make their entire files available for examination, and not just the parts they have selected. Contrary to closing this matter down and ending it, as far as I am concerned, it may only be the beginning with more possibly to come. There may well be serious credibility questions that have arisen after what Mr. Sutts has disclosed that may require further investigation.
It would not suprise me to see both of them asked to testify in Detroit along with someone from the Star! They both must have understood that risk given they are both lawyers. And will the Star be forced to reveal the name of its source if push comes to shove? I hope the unnamed business person understood the risk too.
Liar, liar… mayoral pants on fire! Which Mayor is telling the truth? Or perhaps they both are depending on the date chosen to start and what they each took from conversations.
This Tunnel deal is growing by leaps and bounds and who knows where it is going to end. As Cliff Sutts rightly stated:
Now it looks like we are into a “He Said/She Said” type situation as to who is telling the truth about who called whom about the secret meeting. Or should we say it is an “Eddie Mayor Said/Kwame Mayor Said” matter now.
The clip above is taken from a video dealing with the hearing in the Kilpatrick bail matter. Kwame was obviously quite agitated as you can tell when the Prosecutor claimed that he was not telling the truth about the meeting in Windsor. Kwame’s lawyer stood by their story about who called whom. That clip sets out Eddie's position and Kwame's quite nicely.
I had suggested that a timeline might be appropriate so that we could try and figure out what was going on. Well if you don’t believe in the Power of the BLOG, you better do so now:
I am certain that our Mayor, Mr. Sutts’ client, was agreeable. Otherwise, the lawyer could not provide the information given to the Detroit Prosecutor nor could he give the detailed information that was outlined in the Star. Now of course since solicitor-client privilege has been waived in this matter, I shall file my Municipal Freedom of Information request for certain documentation. I am certain that it will provided in a very timely fashion without any objection.
But the troubling part to me is the additional reason given for disclosing all of this information:
But wait a minute...what if Kwame is right and Eddie is wrong? Does what was revealed cause problems for OUR Mayor? What are we in Windsor going to do then? Since this is a matter of credibility, would the Mayor be forced to resign or rather would he tender his resignation forthwith.
In effect, if it can be shown that Eddie is not telling the truth, he has no choice but to leave office. Eddie decided to make this an issue, to make himself part of this. He has to live with the consequences now.
The issue for me is not the Kwame story but is Eddie telling the truth!
I'm rather shocked to be quite honest about it that a timeline has even being issued. You see, I worked on one too. Of course, I did not have access to anyone's legal files or lawyer dockets to help me. I just relied on media stories to try to figure out what was going on.
While the Star story talks about Sutts starting "with Detroit council's month-long flip-flopping, it appears that his chronology focused on the period starting July 17 and following. July 17 was the day that Detroit Council took their "nebulous" action not to set up an Authority for their half of the Tunnel and the Detroit Mayor said as quoted in a news story that
I on the other hand focused on the time period beginning a week before. I started on July 10 the date of the Windsor Council/Windsor Tunnel Commission joint meeting when Council seemingly pulled the plug on the deal. I thought that this meeting caused the greatest consternation since it seemed like the deal was all over and that I should begin there.
From reading my timeline, [ ] it would appear that there were many, many discussions between people in Windsor and Detroit. With whom exactly and about what is essential to know.
Here is what bugged me at the Council meeting on July 21 if you remember. The comment re "face-to-face." I Blogged previously:
Here is the clip from that meeting courtesy of Chris Schnurr's BLOGsite. Listen to it very, very carefully:
And the transcript from Chris as well. Read it carefully too:
Have citizens ever seen that Resolution by the way?
Here is the dramatic, new information outlining what Mr. Sutts said took place that had never been revealed publicly before. It needs to be read with care too:
If you read what was written in the Star story, and just this conversation, who called the meeting? Was it Kwame who said "we need to get in a room" or was it Eddie who said "our teams should get together" and then Ok'd the Wednesday meeting to fit his schedule. As you will see below, it appears that staffs had already been talking about meeting on the Friday before the Friday call between the Mayors.
In passing, I was rather disturbed by the smarminess tone I thought I detected in this statement made by Mr. Sutts:
After all, Eddie thought the deal was so important that he snubbed meeting with John Tory a week before to talk about Windsor’s key priority: jobs, jobs, jobs!
Let's get to the heart of this right now.
I would be absolutely furious if I was a Windsor Councillor after reading what Mr. Sutts’ statement. I was absolutely correct in what I guessed on the use of the words “face-to-face” by the Mayor. It was a “Gotcha!” Technically, there was nothing done "face-to-face." There was a telephone conversation that was not disclosed by the Mayor.
In fact it is worse than I thought. It was not Mr. Sutts who spoke with people from Detroit; it was our Mayor who spoke directly with the Detroit Mayor!
Note as well, that the Mayor's statement in the Council clip only discussed Mr. Sutts. Again, he chose not to mention his conversation with the Detroit.
On that Friday, the Mayors agreed that there would be a Wednesday meeting. Obviously, our Mayor did not want anyone to know about it and wanted it to be secret. His wording at Council was again very deliberate. Note the use of the word “may.”
Again if one looks at what was said, one could make a very strong argument that it was in fact Eddie who wanted to have a meeting. He was the one who said:
And was he using the Royal “we” again as he seems to like to do these days when he said:
I really have no intention in writing this to help out the Mayor of Detroit. He has his own lawyers to assist him and they can do what they want with what the Star story says. I am writing this because I have to have trust in what my Mayor is telling me as a Citizen of Windsor.
Since Kwame has already been dealt with re coming to Windsor, Citizens no longer need scripted answers to legitimate questions that say nothing.
As I said, I prepared my own timeline. You can read it all by clicking on this link I have emphasized some of the key sections in bold.
Based on the comments made by Mr. Sutts, I have formed an impression about what our Mayor did in answer to the question asked by Councillor Marra. I am sure that you have as well, dear reader. We need to see the entire file to know if our impressions are true or not.
There are a host of other questions that arise out of what took place in the week before July 17, the date that Mr. Sutts emphasized, even just based on media reports. Who knows what we will see once we get access to all of the relevant files in this matter.
Here are a few of the events that I found from checking the media. What actually happened durignthis period:
Because of the actions of our Mayor and the release of information to put the “record straight,” the Mayor has invited us to see all of the information so that we can make informed decision and finally determine “if we are being truthful.”
Will I be forced to do a MFOIA application or will the Mayor and Mr. Sutts release their files voluntarily?
It has become more important now for the Star and other media outlets to have their reporters do some investigative journalism to uncover what happened in Windsor rather than to try to deflect attention from our situation by focusing on Detroit! Will the Star and others start asking the tough questions and demanding the facts. Let us find out what they are made of as a responsible journalists.
And as for Council, it is time to stop being wusses! Perform your legal duty!
One final matter that you may find interesting.
Right now Governor Granholm has advanced a hearing to September 3 to determine if she should remove Kwame from office. The matters she is hearing now are limited to:
She is NOT dealing with the criminal proceedings.
But what if the Eddie/Francis chronology and the Star story re Kwame in Niagara Falls result in Kwame being jailed because of a breach of bail conditions.
I assume that Detroit Council might add that matter and ask the Governor to remove the Mayor for “official misconduct” or “wilful neglect of duty.”
If that happened, then would Ken Cockrel Jr, President of Council become the new mayor?
If so, the Tunnel deal would still be on…Cockrel supported the setup of the Tunnel Authority in Detroit and did NOT vote to rescind it. He also said: