More Library Audits

What is it with the Library that Council members are so concerned about. It looks like another audit might be undertaken.
Don't you think that Councillors ought to be more concerned about releasing the 400 Building audit that has been under wraps for almost 2 years and which now has to be reviewed by outside counsel and then doing one on Huron Lodge and the East End Arena where huge sums are at stake.
Speaking of the 400 Audit, here is a note I received via a WeACT member. If you can spare a few minutes to attend the Audit Committee meeting, you ought to do so. Of course, most working people cannot attend since the start time is 10 AM.
Speaking of the 400 Audit, here is a note I received via a WeACT member. If you can spare a few minutes to attend the Audit Committee meeting, you ought to do so. Of course, most working people cannot attend since the start time is 10 AM.
If you go, you might want to ask the Committtee Chair and members if Mayor Francis and Senior Administrators have been allowed to see the Dunbar version. I thought they had seen it as discussed at a Council meeting. If they can see it, then why not the public. It has lost its "confidentiality" status already if seen by non-Committee members.
I also thought I had heard that there was a Committee Motion asking for the Dunbar version to be released but that may not be so.
It would sesm that there is a horrific story there if they are afraid of lawsuits. Of course, if the document has been released to non-Committtee members, then it is subject to be produced in any lawsuit so what's the big deal!
- MY INVITATION Aug 15 9:50 AM
Members of our group WeAct have been appearing during the past 2 months, before the Audit Committee, on the subject of the unreleased Audit of the 400 City Hall Square Building, completed by Mike Dunbar over 20 months ago.
We have registered again to speak as delegations at the Audit Committee Meeting on Friday morning August 15th in Room #405 at the 400 City Hall Square Building
HOWEVER, we have learned that the Chairman, Max Zalev, has planned that this entire meeting will be held IN-CAMERA and that delegations WILL NOT BE HEARD. [the opening of the meeting - the call to-order - and the adjournment of the meeting (at the end) MUST be public -]
We WILL be there, ready to speak, if the committee should decide that they WILL hear delegations after all.
I contacted Councillors BILL MARRA and ALAN HALBERSTADT (who are members of the 5 person committee) and asked that they INSIST that delegations be heard before they go In-camera!
If it is decided to hear delegations, we will be there and ready to go!
The reason I have written you is to ask, if you are able (I know you are concerned!) that you attend with us at this meeting--If you can come, bring others too and arrive 10 minutes earlier than the 10 AM start!"
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