BREAKING BLOGnews: The Wheels On The Hybrid Buses Go Round And Round

No wonder the contract for the buses came so quickly out of the blue as Councillor Postma and Junior stated.
No wonder Junior made such a big deal at Council about buying Canadian made buses.
No wonder the Henderson urban legend column was needed.
No wonder that Councillors were used again as pawns:
- Attention News Editors:
CAW Urges Canadian Content in Government Infrastructure Projects
TORONTO, July 25 /CNW/ - Following today's announcement for additional transit funding CAW President Buzz Hargrove is urging all levels of government to require Canadian content when purchasing for infrastructure projects.
"At a time when thousands and thousands of jobs are being lost, plants closed or downsized in the Canadian manufacturing sector, our elected officials must show leadership in ensuring tax dollars are spent on Canadian-made goods and services that create jobs in Canada," Hargrove said.
"The wages earned are put back into our economy and further support Canadian infrastructure and social services."
The federal and Ontario government announcement of billions of dollars for transit is an important step forward in the improvement of the province's transportation infrastructure, he said. The rapid transit route announcement is more positive news following a federal government commitment yesterday of $6.2 billion to be spread across the province for infrastructure improvements.
"It's also a critical opportunity for the federal and Ontario governments to ensure Canadian jobs are being created at a time when thousands of workers and their families are suffering because of the crisis in manufacturing," Hargrove said. A recent positive example of government spending is the proposed purchase of 18 new Canadian-made hybrid buses by the City of Windsor, manufactured by New Flyer in Winnipeg.
If only we had a Mayor who worked with the Feds, we might have seen a press release similar to this one:
- Government of Canada makes significant investments in Toronto's public Transit System
TORONTO, July 25 /CNW Telbec/ -
The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is $100 million richer thanks to the recent transfer of federal funding from the Government of Canada for subway and bus
The $100-million investment represents one of the largest one-time reimbursements for federal public transit funding ever made by the Government of Canada. The federal funds transferred are a portion of an overall commitment of $350 million to the TTC.
- $72.4 million was provided as a first payment for the purchase of 212 hybrid buses. Ultimately, a total of 324 buses will be purchased at a cost of $251.4 million, with the federal government contributing a further $43.4 million. Again, the balance of these funds will be transferred once further invoices have been provided.
"I am pleased to be collaborating with our Federal partners to makeimportant investments in public transit that are good for the City and forCanada," said Mayor David Miller. "Through partnerships with other governments we are undertaking city-building initiatives that might otherwise be difficult. The on-going improvements to our public transit system have been greatly assisted by funding partnerships like the Canadian Strategic Infrastructure Fund. Working together we can build a prosperous, livable city that provides opportunity for all."
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