The Tunnel As A Unique Security Risk

This City would be out of its mind to takeover the Detroit half of the Tunnel. We have enough of a concern by being a partial owner of half of it already.
If we don't have enough problems knowing whether the Tunnel deal is on or not, if we have no idea whether Detroit Council Resolutions are valid or not or can be reconsidered and if we have no idea whether the interest rate on the loan can be capped and whether Detroit has no liability even if they default, now we have security issues to be deal with.
- "Mich. Talks Homeland Security With Israeli Police
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Security Issues Are Expected To Be Discussed
POSTED: 12:04 pm EDT July 17, 2008
Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox hosted a conference Thursday that brought more than 200 law enforcement leaders together to meet with members of the Israeli National Police to discuss security issues.
Homeland security issues regarding the Detroit-Windsor tunnel were expected to be discussed.
The meeting was one in a series of exchanges between American and Israeli law security agencies. It is also the first one ever to be held in Michigan."
- "About 200 law enforcement officers from throughout the state got anti-terrorism lessons Thursday from an organization familiar with the subject -- Israeli police and military officials'...
Howell Police Chief George Basar... said "We know the various targets in our communities that need to be secured."
The speakers included a Bomb Squad commander, a terrorist profiler and a private and corporate security expert who specializes in the securing of public facilities.
Now what is that all about? Does that make any sense whatsoever.
I have written a number of times asking whether anyone has done anything about the Tunnel and the fact that it was described as a "unique security risk."
One of the Detroit Councillors mentioned a long time ago about Homeland Security although she did not say exactly what.
Perhaps, one can understand now why Cliff Sutts may have been so insistent that the City set up a new Corporation for the Tunnel for liability reasons. Does Eddie know something that we don't know?
- "What we will be dealing with is a recommendation from legal counsel to put the tunnel into a corporation to protect the taxpayer from any financial exposure that might occur from an act of terrorism or accident,” said Mayor Eddie Francis."
It is interesting to me that the focus is on the Tunnel and not on the Ambassador Bridge notwithstanding what Senator Kenny had to say. The Bridge Company has taken steps to minimize any disruption to the their crossing even if there was damage to the Bridge and, in effect, removed it as a target.
In fact, I speculated in one of my BLOGs that attention was being directed away from the Tunnel specifically because of ... who knows what!
What is going on? Where is Transport Canada in all of this considering that they have responsibility under their new legislation? Will the Tunnel have to be closed down if there is an unacceptable risk or other measures taken to minimize them such as reverse Customs?
I wish I knew what was going on. Someone owes it to travelers to let them know at least so that an informed decision can be made as to which crossing to use or that the proper security measures have been taken.
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