Email Messages Scandal Material For You To Read
Please stop asking me if there are emails dealing with [Expetive Deleted] in the hundreds of emails exchanged between John Middleton and City Hall Administrators. I intend to remain silent on the subject.
I have to assume that something in those emails was so bad that he was terminated as Chair and removed as a Member of the Windsor Citizen Crime Prevention Committee. What that is however, he has not been told from what has been reported so far.
At noon the other day, he delivered all of the emails to the Clerk's Office for members of the Committee to view for themselves. The Councillors are free to look at them too I assume. Better late than never even though they voted to remove him already. Sounds like how Council does things...relies on Administration Reports rather than first hand information. Like not reading Arena agreements as an example. Presumably, if there is nothing there, he should be able to demand that he be re-instated.
If you want to know what is in there, just file a Municipal Freedom of Information Application. It will cost $5. If you want copies, then you have to pay for the photocopying as well.
Let me know what you find especially if it is scandalous. I am tired about Blogging about the border! What could be better than [Expletive deleted].
I understand that John will eventually post them so you can wait. In the meantime, the Municipal Gremlin struck again!

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