Did Councillor Gignac Propose To Censure Eddie

It is a good thing that the Star reported that Councillor Lewenza was the one who use the foul and abusive language at the in camera Council meeting last week and not one of the other Councillors. The reason for that childish and immature outburst was:
- "Marra said he believed negotiating further with the local MPPs was a better tactic than blasting them. That statement didn't sit well with some councillors, most notably Lewenza, who was said to have used profanity."
Was Councillor Gignac apoplectic before the public Council meeting on Monday? Even if she was, I strongly doubt that she would use any inappropriate or unseemly four letter words but if she was upset, she might have muttered one or two six letter ones under her breath. She was Past Chairperson of the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board after all so she is quite literate.
If I remember correctly wasn't it just recently that the Mayor tried to teach her how to put her hand in the air at Council just like he tried to teach Councillor Halberstadt that technique. Even after that public embarrassment, I did not see her go ballistic so she generally knows how to control her temper.
You may wonder why she would be so upset. Now I have no idea but I have a suspicion. She must be furious at the Mayor and what he did over the weekend.
Which Councillor has stood up so many times during Council meetings and demanded a meeting with our two Ministers. It is Councillor Gignac. She was furious at Dwight Duncan as an example and that gained headlines for the Councillor.
I'm sure that you have not seen this Report that was distributed at Council showing the number of times that City Council wanted to meet with the two Ministers. After all, the Councillors probably want to give the Ministers a piece of their mind.
What a slap in the face to Councillors. Can you think of anything that can tell us better that Eddie holds them in complete contempt. He could not care one bit what they think.
I wonder if she knows yet what they talked about or did the Mayor give to Councillors the same patronizing line that he gave to Windsorites:
- "It was a first step in terms of opening the lines of communication. It was an opportunity for three of us to have a discussion"
I do not understand it. Why wasn't Councillor Lewenza screaming vulgarities at the Mayor? Was he chicken, afraid to open up his mouth? It seems to me that what the Mayor did was exactly the same as what Councillor Marra proposed: negotiating further with the local MPPs rather than blasting them.
The Star reported that Eddie met with them
- "in a bid to iron out differences between the two sides."
Does Councillor Lewenza have a double standard? Or perhaps he believes that it is his duty to protect the Mayor so that Eddie can be the star .
I don't get it. I mean after all... Mayor, Marra,... they both sound so similar. Didn't Councillor Lewenza go after Councillor Halberstadt over the use of the word "compromise" during the border file as well
- "This is a billion-dollar file and he [Halberstadt] is out there saying we want a compromise," Lewenza said. "I challenged him on that."
However when the Mayor uses the "C" word, Councillor Lewenza is invisible.
Back to Councillor Gignac. I bet she was fit to be tied on Monday. I wonder if she introduced a Motion to censure the Mayor in camera. That's what a serious Councillor who understood her legal duty under the Municipal Act should have done if the Mayor did things like that behind her back on such an important file.
Who knows what he might have conceded since he is such a poor negotiator on big deals. I know I would be concerned especially after reading the Spitfires' Agreement.
- "It was an opportunity for three of us to have a discussion, the border being the primary issue."
Just the three of them. How cozy. And without those silly Councillors watching Eddie grovel and beg for assistance to save his career since has failed again on the border road.
Oh well, Councillor Gignac need not fume. She and her colleagues can grandstand and pretend to be important on Cogeco TV when the irrelevant Windsor flunkies talk to the irrelevant DRIC flunkies. Meanwhile Eddie and the two Ministers will decide everything in secret behind their backs too and they can rubberstamp it as they always do:
- "There will be a special meeting of Windsor City Council with representatives of DRIC scheduled for: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers, 3rd floor, Windsor City Hall. TV Cogeco Cable 11 has agreed to broadcast this meeting LIVE."
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