YOUR Point of View

1) [Believe it or not, this came from a Windsor Councillor] I think you should run for council.

3) FYI ... more bad news for Windsor unfortunately.
4) Since you live in Windsor the only numbers to play in a lottery would be 9-1-1 .
5) I think this just blew Eddie's plans out of the air. [Increase in cost of aviation fuel] They may as well be one way tickets out west.
He didn't show for the money being handed out lately.The teacher must have kept him after school.
6) The tunnel could become a lame duck.........
7) Good morning Ed. The terrorism crap that is spewing about the tunnel is ludicrous.If they had to change to another holding company and there was an act of terrorism, a good bankruptcy trustee would see right through that. If the tunnel is in that precarious of a position for an act of terrorism,then the Tunnel Commission MUST warn all users about the risk.Since they know full well it can happen in their minds, they should and canbe held culpable.They should re-direct traffic to the bridge now, to save Windsor any legal litigationsif there were to be a huge accident or act of terrorism.Tunnels, as you know are notoriously famous for the spread of fires, as we have seen over in Europe.
8) I'm going to keep an eye on the Greenslink box at the Central Library and see if it fills up, I've added one, might add more with my comments.
With our citizens leaving faster than arriving, I doubt that we in this city could build Greenslink if we wanted to. The Golden soon to become Platinum Greater Horseshoe can't find workers now for all the infrastructure they are attempting build now!
The conduct of our mayor has gone beyond chirlish and childlike of someone who assumes that his ego has been hurt, to that of being totally detrimental to this city.
I call Greenlink, Greenslink because it reminds me of a slinky toy and its movement
9) Did this change in ownership receive approval from the IBTA gurus at Transport Canada? Is it a joke of an act if they didn’t? Don’t the people who use the tunnel and subsidize the tunnel deserve to know just what liability they are/were exposed to and what liability they are being protected from?
10) [RE BLOG readership] The force is with you !!!Use it wisely.
11) So the city has formed a "share capital corporation" to buy the tunnel for $111 million, of which $103 million will be city-financed through an IOU. How is this advantageous to the city?
12) You know as well as I do when Eddie says "We believed it then and we believe it now" and to "believe in our own possibilities" he really means "WE (As in himself and council) believe we know what is in the best interest of Windsor, not the citizens".
13) Stephen [Funtig, the Trustee in bankruptcy] could end up running the tunnel and the airport. [Along with the Capitol!]
14) What must be done to get a copy of the Mayors Business plan to acquire and operate the tunnel ?
We must not allow the City to acquire the tunnel without the approval its citizens. In the present business environment it would be fool hardy to burden the city with avoidable debt of this magnitude. Eddie is dreaming. If he thinks the idea of creating a seperate company is a means to his dream, lets see the plans and the time line to a sucessfull ending.
15) Hi Ed, there is quite a difference between activities and results. Going aimlessly through the motions creates the illusion of progress ---- lots of motion, no forward movement! Square table free form meetings rarely yield any useful results. Clear and measurable objectives based on a reality based strategy are needed to attain desired outcomes, more so in the age of scarce resources.
16) With regards to your post about Coun. Valentinis and global warming as to why grass cutting was falling far behind.
It couldn't be because of the slashing of the Parks & Rec's budget by council and Eddie could it?
... I was told that some parks will be returned to "naturalization" due to budget cuts. Which begs the question. How will Windsor afford the upkeep of Greenlink if we add another 300 acres of parkland? We can't afford the parks we have now!
17) I'm still trying to figure out if Bears eat Gazelles or if Gazelles eat Bears . . .
I guess Bears really do eat Gazelles!
18) The Lawn Chair Precision Drill Team is just the thing to entertain Cogeco viewers and visiting tourists on Windsor City Council meeting nights. Instead of a prayer, Eddie can begin the meeting by leading ten councillors in "Precision Chair Drill". Councillors not participating do so at their peril.
When finished precision drilling, the councillors sit at their desks and tend to important affairs like cutting library costs despite having a 5.4 million surplus and budgeting more dollars for out of town legal beagles and traffic sharpies. The Greenlink designers know the rubes in Windsor will pay them big bucks for just about anything they propose even if senior governments think the whole Greenlink thing is a joke.
Long live the Lawn Chair Precision Drill Team!
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