Thoughts and Opinions On Today's Important Issues

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Time To Smell The Roses

Where has the summer gone? I don't remember it passing this quickly. Hasn't Daylight Savings Time just started?

Writing a BLOG has become almost a full time job. It was not something I ever expected when I started doing this. I have written over 1300 BLOGs so far and hope to write a few more. I am gratified by the number of readers I have and appreciate the comments that make it all worthwhile, even the negative ones.

Trying to stay topical and being well-researched means long hours, sometimes well into the evening. Attending as I did Council last night and trying to get something meaningful out to you the next day is not as easy as it may seem. One gets an appreciation for the job done by the professionals in the media.

I was going to write something on what happened but if you tuned in to Cogeco to watch Council, you know what happened last night cannot be described. It was a complete farce. Eddie lost control of Council completely. It was disgraceful watching him "lecture" the Councillors as if he was the teacher and they were being scolded for doing something wrong at recess. Who does he think he is!

If you did not tune in, there is no possible way I can say to you in words what a joke this Council has become. You have to watch it for yourself on the replays. Trust me, you will not believe what you see. Yes, these people are our local Government. They control millions of dollars of our money. It's scary. Where is the Governor's hubby....Eddie has a new job for him after the Detroit Grand Prix.

The only member of Council for whom I had any respect last night was Councillor Halberstadt. He had the guts to stand up for the citizens of Windsor, he argued his procedural points with accuracy and he shot the Mayor down on several occasions when Eddie tried to bully him.

My view---last night was a turning point in the political career of Councillor Halberstadt. He has become the leader on Council and its strongest member. Oh sure, he has enemies amongst his colleagues but when the going gets tough, the only one that they will be able to hide behind is Alan and they know it. They need him. He does NOT need them. Assuming he remains in this mode, Eddie just created his official opposition yesterday.

It is going to get worse too. Did the City solicitor really state that certain Members of Council may well be in conflict of interest. I have to check my videotape. I think the City Solicitor's remark must have worried Eddie. He was going to leave the Chair at one time. Interestingly one of the members of the public who was again not allowed to speak at Council by the Mayor was interviewed by the media afterward. When asked what he was going to do if there was a conflict, he said that he was going to consider his options. His consideration was made so much easier.

So please excuse me. I need a short break. I intend to do some gardening over the next few days. It's time I did some chores around the house. I have a few ideas rattling around in my mind for future BLOGs that I will write about to try and put some of the events in Windsor into a perspective. I may even try and tell you what really happened at Council too at that time.

Cutting the grass, pruning the shrubs and planting flowers ie being away from the computer, ought to make things easier and will recharge the batteries.

Now as long as it does not rain....