Thoughts and Opinions On Today's Important Issues

Friday, August 03, 2007

Flush Out The Truth

If you want to show your disgust at what is going on and to find out the truth, here is what you can do (other than flushing your toilet).

Circulate a petition in the following form to all of your friends, neighbours and colleagues and ask them to do the same. Gather up signatures and I'll let you know where you can send the completed petition next week! As many signatures as possible please but a minimum of 50 signatures per petition would be wonderful!


In light of

  • (a) the financial fiasco surrounding the affairs of the Windsor Utilities Commission and
  • (b) the unprecedented increase in sewer and water rates that are causing sever hardship to taxpayers in Windsor,

we the undersigned hereby demand that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs pursuant to the Municipal Affairs Act:

  1. direct a provincial municipal audit of the financial affairs of the City of Windsor and the Windsor Utilities Commission and

  2. make an inquiry into the of the affairs of the City of Windsor