Volunteer Fights Back

Is this how unpaid volunteers on City committees are to be treated? Ask the Library Board members how they feel after the Joint meeting the other week!
As background, John has had issues with the City over his sign business and he has run unsuccessfully for Council in Ward 4.
Effectively, he accuses the City of taking away the Windsor Citizen Crime Prevention Committee's money and co-ordinator thereby jeopardizing their existence and perhaps leading to the closing down of a number of programs for citizens.
What is the truth? Follow this story closely to find out what is going on. We need to hear the City's side.
- Press Release
To all media
Chair Person
Windsor Citizen Crime Prevention Committee
On April 23, 2008 at 2:30 pm I went to a meeting with John Skorobohacz, with the impression of receiving an update on a review that was taking place on The Friends of Windsor Crime Prevention, when I arrived at the meeting, I was given a letter that stated I had been removed as Chair and a member of the committee because of my actions towards city employees, I asked to see the information against me, I was told to put my request in writing, which I did and forwarded it to Mr. Skorobohacz, the Mayor and all councilors on April 23, 2008 at 7:23 pm to which I haven't received any reply as of this release.
Administration through City Council is attempting to remove me without warning, no chance to hear or defend any information brought against me. I am not an employee of the Corporation, haven't had any training on their policies. I believe they are in violation of our Terms of reference and Mandate which our committee passed and council approved, I believe only the committee can remove me as Chair and a member, and if that is their wish I will go with no problem.
The committees issues with adminastration began with council report (live link 12864) and the passing of CR 279/2007 Council passed this with the intention of seeing W.C.C.P.C.'s programs have the resources needed to provide the Citizens of Windsor with programs like, Neighborhood Watch, Block Parent, S.T.E.P. Wipe out Graffiti, Park Watch and Adopt a Mail box. Great insight on councils part.
The license department on the other hand, seen it as an opportunity to fill a vacant position in their department and use funds that were intended to help the Citizens of Windsor to prevent CRIME, Through active participation and education. E.I. Earn a bike, Safety Squad / Pride players. Since the coordinators position / Supervisor of Compliance and Enforcement has moved to licensing we the committee have had to cancel or postpone indefinitely many functions we would have normally done with our coordinator. E.I. Volunteer appreciation event @ Safety Village, Boxing Fundraiser & P.R. event, and for the first time in 15 years our Safety Squad / Pride players will likely not performing for our kids.
I have raised issues with Clerks and Finance about monies that were taken from our 2007 budget, and answers have not been reasonable in my opinion. I have raised issues with Clerks about our Terms of referance and Mandate and them removing members. In my opinion they havn't followed procedure.
I Have been a volunteer on this Committee for nearly 5 years, and I can tell you I don't like what I see, I believe it is the intention of administration to put up so many roads blocks, that we can't provide the services council has asked us to do. I will be attending the Windsor Crime Prevention meeting at city hall May 1, 2008 at 3:30 pm I will be available for questions from the media.
John Middleton
Chair Person
Windsor Citizen Crime Prevention Committee
April 28, 2008
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